Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Haiku: Cranky Old Skater Hater

Old man hates skaters
Go ahead and break your necks
Crime unreported

I saw this event today. Three boys, probably about age 10 were skateboarding at their school in the driveway and the sidewalk beside it. They weren't doing anything obnoxious or reckless, just trying to do some grinds on the low curb or flip their boards with their feet. This old guy walks between them on the sidewalk, and as he passes he says, "Go ahead and break your necks and see if anybody cares!" He said it basically at the same time as I passed him going the other way, so I stopped and looked back at the kids, who basically looked stunned and confused. I yelled back to them, "What's up with that dude?" My good deed for the day.

I fear I will be that cranky man some day. Maybe tomorrow.



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